
Alert allows you to display messages to the user. It can be used to notify them of a change or display errors about the content they have entered. Alert comes with a wide variety of options to customise the theme and position.


import { Alert } from 'builtin-react';

// Basic Usage
<Alert>Alert message or any HTML</Alert>

// Advanced Usage
    position="top left"
    onClose={() => alert('CLOSE ME')}
        alert: 'red'
    className="Custom Class Name"
Error Saving Data


Name Type Default Description
positioned boolean false To determine whether or not the alert box is positioned absolutely with CSS.
position string null Requires positioned to be set to true . Sets the CSS value to 0 for the following positions: top left right bottom .
hasClose boolean false Adds an 'x' to the right side of the alert.
onClose function null Requires hasClose to be set to true This function is called when the 'x' is clicked. Use this to hide the alert using a state change.
className string null Custom class name to override CSS
theme object null Used to change the theme of the component


  1. If you have changed hasClose to true and the 'x' does not display, remember to pass in the onClose function. The Component will NOT itself.
  2. Similar to hasClose. When you set positioned to true, remember to set position.